Sunday, November 12, 2006

Wandering to Wolverhampton

I write this on my in-law's PC. I have no iidea where Buffy is right now, but we're spending the weekend with her parents because it's the Extended Buffy Birthday Weekend.

LAst night was party time. Sara's v cool friend Kaz came round, plus various family freidns and relatives, including the legendary Auntie Maggie, and we got the Singstar out. I actually managed to beat Buffy 3 times,s in a row, although she blamed her dad, who kep bellowing into her microphone. Buffy's dad is a secret karaoke fiend and very entertaining.

So what plans do we have for Buffy's 24th? Well, I've got her lots of pressies, most of which I'm excited about. There's a mixture of the serious and silly, and I hope she will reveal what I got her on Sara Sizzle soon.

It's a work day tomorrow, and we're going out for lunch with work friends, then going for dinner in the evening. I'm hoping she will have the bestest birthday ever.

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